Sunday 24 November 2013

The Millenials, a starting

   So,  I've never seriously tried blogging before,  but I've recently found myself spending less and less time doing things that used to matter to me,  and more and more time learning and absorbing everything that I can find about the current state of the United States government, and the world economy. It's gotten so bad I wrote almost my entire weekly essay for my Book of Mormon class about these subjects.
    Basically, I feel like a lot of people are poorly informed about what is going on in the world right now, I'm not trying to say that I know everything 100 percent and ask that if anyone finds an error in my information that they correct me.
   My whole purpose of this blog is to compare and contrast a rising generation. Generation Y, or more commonly referred to as "The Millenials". As I look and ponder on the state of our country, I try to see a reason for any of it, and the only conclusion that I can see is,  the older generation,  aka the president and Congress, are trying to appeal and appease the millennials. From Obama Care to the utter and complete ignorance and racial violence, everything right now revolves around Us. The Millenials.

Brent Summers